Happy Summer's End, Openers!
We may have beat the heat, but we're still on fire. First, we have a few new podcast interviews out:
-Normalizing Non-Monogamy:
https://www.openlatepodcast.com/episodes/108 Second, the first three episodes have over 1 MILLION views online now. Wow. They like us, they really like us!
We've been accepted into two welcoming, wonderful festivals: Cinema Diverse in Palm Springs, and OUT at the Movies in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
Finally, we've currently raised $20k of our $60k goal for Episodes 10 - 12! Please donate here if you're able, and thank you for helping make more queer content: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=LGV6J88ABUC9A
Cam & Greg